“CRIME STOPPERS WANTED” for: March 26, 2024
The Brandon Police Service is seeking the public’s assistance in locating this
person who is:
Assault by Choking
On October 21 st 2023 , Devon NOACK assaulted a female at a residence in the City of
Brandon. NOACK assaulted the female by kicking her to the ground and choking
her. NOACK’s whereabouts are unknown at this time, please contact Brandon
crime stoppers with any information.
If you have any information as to the whereabouts of this person or anyone else
“Wanted by Police” you are asked to contact Brandon Crime Stoppers @ 204-727-
TIPS (8477), www.brandoncrimestoppers.com or by texting BCSTIP+your
message to CRIMES (274637). Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to Call
Display. Your call is not recorded and your identity will remain anonymous.
Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2000.00 cash for information that leads to the
solution of a crime.
SUBMITTED BY: Cst. Trevor Robins #128
Coordinator – Brandon Crime Stoppers Program
Phone: 204-729-2345
“CRIME STOPPERS WANTED” for: March 26, 2024
The Brandon Police Service is seeking the public’s assistance in locating this
person who is:
Assault & Breach of Release Order X2
On March 16 th, 2024, Ralph CHIEF assaulted a female inside a residence in the City
of Brandon. At the time of the assault, CHIEF was on a Release Order for several
charges including Possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose. CHIEF
breached his release order conditions for not residing at the specified residence
stated on his order. CHIEF’s whereabouts are unknown at this time, please contact
Brandon crime stoppers with any information.
If you have any information as to the whereabouts of this person or anyone else
“Wanted by Police” you are asked to contact Brandon Crime Stoppers @ 204-727-
TIPS (8477), www.brandoncrimestoppers.com or by texting BCSTIP+your
message to CRIMES (274637). Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to Call
Display. Your call is not recorded and your identity will remain anonymous.
Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2000.00 cash for information that leads to the
solution of a crime.
SUBMITTED BY: Cst. Trevor Robins #128
Coordinator – Brandon Crime Stoppers Program
Phone: 204-729-2345
The Brandon Police Service is seeking the public’s assistance in locating this
person who is:
Breach of Undertaking
On March 8 th , 2024, Police conducted a curfew check for Joshua FAWCETT who
was bound by a curfew condition on his undertaking stemming from an arrest for
possess property obtained by crime. FAWCETT was not at his address and
therefore breached his Undertaking. Joshua FAWCETT’s whereabouts are
unknown at this time, please contact Brandon crime stoppers with any information.
If you have any information as to the whereabouts of this person or anyone else
“Wanted by Police” you are asked to contact Brandon Crime Stoppers @ 204-727-
TIPS (8477), www.brandoncrimestoppers.com or by texting BCSTIP+your
message to CRIMES (274637). Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to Call
Display. Your call is not recorded and your identity will remain anonymous.
Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2000.00 cash for information that leads to the
solution of a crime.
SUBMITTED BY: Cst. Trevor Robins #128
Coordinator – Brandon Crime Stoppers Program
Phone: 204-729-2345
The Brandon Police Service is seeking the public’s assistance in locating this
person who is:
Terrance KIMBALL
Attempted Break & Enter
On March 13 th, 2024, multiple mail boxes were broken into and damaged in the
common area of a property in the 3400 block of McDonald Avenue. Video
footage was reviewed showing Terrance KIMBALL as the suspect involved. He is
also bound by two probation orders with conditions not to possess any break and
enter instruments. KIMBALL’s whereabouts are unknown at this time, please
contact Brandon crime stoppers with any information.
If you have any information as to the whereabouts of this person or anyone else
“Wanted by Police” you are asked to contact Brandon Crime Stoppers @ 204-727-
TIPS (8477), www.brandoncrimestoppers.com or by texting BCSTIP+your
message to CRIMES (274637). Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to Call
Display. Your call is not recorded and your identity will remain anonymous.
Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2000.00 cash for information that leads to the
solution of a crime.
SUBMITTED BY: Cst. Trevor Robins #128
Coordinator – Brandon Crime Stoppers Program
Phone: 204-729-2345
The Brandon Police Service is seeking the public’s assistance in locating this
person who is:
Sexual Assault, Sexual Interference, Uttering Threats
Between the 19 th of July, 2018 and the 29 th of February, 2020, Riley ALLEN did
for sexual purpose touch a person under the age of 16 years and commit a sexual
assault. Additionally, ALLEN uttered threats to cause serious bodily harm to the
same victim. Riley ALLEN’s whereabouts are unknown at this time, please contact
Brandon crime stoppers with any information.
If you have any information as to the whereabouts of this person or anyone else
“Wanted by Police” you are asked to contact Brandon Crime Stoppers @ 204-727-
TIPS (8477), www.brandoncrimestoppers.com or by texting BCSTIP+your
message to CRIMES (274637). Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to Call
Display. Your call is not recorded and your identity will remain anonymous.
Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2000.00 cash for information that leads to the
solution of a crime.
SUBMITTED BY: Cst. Trevor Robins #128
Coordinator – Brandon Crime Stoppers Program
Phone: 204-729-2345