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Crime Stoppers Wanted. Friday, July 28th, 2023.


Jordan Danielle BLACKSMITH

Assault by Choking

On April 28, 2022, BLACKSMITH punched a male several times in the head and then
proceeded to choke him with a section of tow rope until he was unconscious. BLACKSMITH
was arrested, charged and released, however; has failed to attend court. Jordan BLACKSMITH’s
whereabouts are unknown at this time, please contact Brandon crime stoppers with any


If you have any information as to the whereabouts of this person or anyone else
“Wanted by Police” you are asked to contact Brandon Crime Stoppers @ 204-727-
TIPS (8477), or by texting BCSTIP+your
message to CRIMES (274637). Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to Call
Display. Your call is not recorded and your identity will remain anonymous.
Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2000.00 cash for information that leads to the
solution of a crime.

SUBMITTED BY: Cst. Trevor Robins #128
Coordinator – Brandon Crime Stoppers Program

Phone: 204-729-2345

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